โดย: Faith Alliances
The COO must have lived in the United States and understand the American market. He must be fluent in English. This position is responsible for the operation and management of the company's website, website strategic decision-making and website operation plan monitoring. Its main responsibilities are website strategic goal decision-making and monitoring, and coordination of the overall work of the operation team. The COO plays a very important role in the Internet industry. This position determines the decision-making power of the overall operation of an enterprise based on the Internet. It can also be said to be equivalent to the company's executive general manager, but his work tasks are more vividly expressed in the job description. The COO belongs to the company's senior management, and his position is generally higher than other staff at the same level. Functions 1. Directly responsible to the company's chief executive officer (CEO), complete his designated work plan or achieve work goals. 2. Responsible for the work coordination between the company's overall departments and the allocation of specific work tasks. 3. Formulate business operation strategies, processes and plans, organize and coordinate the implementation of various departments of the company, and achieve the company's expected operation goals. 4. Complete the architecture design and program positioning according to the needs of the website. 5. Evaluate the development of the website through long-term market and customer group surveys. 6. Draft and complete the company's large-scale operation plan, and organize various departments to implement it. 7. Supervise the specific work of various departments such as technology, business, and finance. 8. Handle the company's daily Internet-related matters, and be responsible for the company's main external liaison work. 9. Evaluate and affirm the website's operating cycle and results. 1. Periodically summarize the company's overall operations and report to
