Baan Kru Jay Nursery is in need of qualified native English-speaking teachers to teach
English to Thai students at Baan Kru Jay Nursery from with the details as follows:
1. Qualifications of foreign teacher to work at Baan Kru Jay Nursery:
1.1 Native English speaker from US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia or Nonnative
speaker using English for second language such as Africa, Netherland, Sweden, Ireland, France
and Philippines.
1.2 Male/Female age 23 -50 years old.
1.3 Graduated in Bachelor of English Degree or related fields or having experiences of
teaching English in Thailand for at least a year.
accordance with the school curriculum, focusing on the learners, and preparing learning
documents, worksheets, knowledge sheets following the school curriculum and course syllabus.
1.5 Working other special events of the school, other than regular hours on certain
occasions, on official holidays.
1.6 Can work as a team get along well with colleagues?