STAY WELL Clinic & Physio; the latest addition to STAY Wellbeing & Lifestyle Resort. STAY WELL Clinic & Physio is located on the 2nd floor, right above the Reception. A lift is available for person who may require it.

Right now, you may have unanswered questions relating to your health. You’re keen to dig deeper; to look beneath the surface and find the underlying cause. Or maybe you’re simply seeking healthcare that has a truly holistic mindset.

This search for optimal wellness is what brings people of all ages to STAY WELL Clinic & Physio. At STAY WELL Clinic & Physio, we bring together the many aspects of wellness to help you heal and restore.

Much of wellness is about bringing things back into balance, and our clinic is a reflection of this philosophy. Our advanced wellness medicine practice collates wisdom and insight from all corners of wellness, including medicine, naturopathy, psychology, Chinese medicine and nutrition. Our hand-picked specialists think holistically and seek out opportunities to heal and optimise health.

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  • ตำแหน่งงาน
08:50 | 27 ก.ค. 67

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